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Monday, May 28, 2018


The 81st Anniversary of the Elk City Golf & Country Club was celebrated on this day with 80 golfers, including a dozen or so veterans, Melvin Fluty (Mark Simpson's father in law), whose five brothers and father were veterans as well, starting with World War I and ending with the Vietnam war (one or the other fought in each of the major wars of the 20th century).

Before the start of the tournament, we had a small ceremony in which Charles Simpson Jr. sang the National Anthem (a beautiful a Capella rendition) while Larry Hudgens, Melvin Fluty and Brad Gilbert raised the American flag over the small canopy that serves as outside eating area and scoring board area.

The field was divided into 4 flights, and the winners were as follows:

1st (62) Keegan Hall - Toby Davis
2nd (63) Aaron Kauk - Rusty Wilson
3rd (63) Mark Fairchild - Andrew Albert
(Tied teams went to a playoff)
Note: ironically, the red sign "YIELD" is behind them... we better "yield" and pay attention when these these two guys are hitting, especially since they both hit it well over 300 yards!)

1st (67) Adam Pennington - Kyle Collier
2nd (68) Jack Coody - UV WIlliamson
2nd (68) Tres Hill - Travis Poole
(Tied teams split winnings)

1st (72) Mike Clinton - Cameron Kerr
2nd (72) Joe Wynn - Charlie Kauk
3rd (72) Mark Simpson - Charles Simpson Jr.

1st (79) Tate Finnell - Keaton Finnell
2nd (79) Brad Gilbert - Mike Proctor
3rd (83) Blake Brewer - Amber Brewer

For more pictures, visit our club's page at http://facebook/elkcitygolf

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