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Sunday, May 6, 2018


The fourth (third in Elk City) annual Path To Miracles (founded by Jeremy Gray) tournament was a total success. Twenty one teams participated in this fundraiser to keep funding the Path To Miracles project that helps individuals with addictions. So many lives touched by Jeremy Gray and his people, some even played in the tournament, some who have gone through the program and recovered, and some currently in recovering stage.

Prior to tee time, Jeremy spoke about Path To Miracles house, along with Rob's Ranch, where he went to do recovery himself several years back. He finished his presentation with a very sincere and powerful prayer.  Jeremy Gray has outdone himself! When he meets our Maker, He will say "Well Done!"

This year there was plenty to see and talk about, starting with the first shot of the day on #13, where Jeff Donaghey made a Hole in One with a 4 hybrid. A little into the sunlight in the morning, Jeff knew his ball was on line, but did not realize it went in the hole until they got to the green. He played with Michael Cowan, Ann Cowan and Cooper Cowan. (Their team shot a 59)

The twenty one teams were divided into two flights: Top seven teams and ties, and rest of the field.

Here are the results:

"A" Flight:

55 - Doug Gray Auto (Joby Gray, Craig Martin, Rusty Wilson, Brandon Thomas)
55 - Jack's Backbone (Mike Clinton, Heston Brown, Toby Davis)
56 - 3B Pumping (Baylar Barnett, John Harguess, Tate Trotter, Sam Firth)
57 - Blake Johnson (Blake Johnson, Bobby Johnson, Conner Dewitt, Brad Harguess) (*)
58 - Anadarko Dozer (Russ Smith, Ronnie Smith, Rocky Andresen, Natalie Smith)

(*) Blake Johnson's Team score shows 59, but it was an error in posting, the correct score is 57 and it was not corrected before the picture with the score was taken and published.

"B" Flight
60 - Aaron Musick (Aaron Musick, Tanner Underwood, Ryan Hayes, Blake Walker)
61 - Paul Gunkel (Paul Gunkel, Greg Dodson, Kim Jordan, Brad Gilbert)
61 - Remax (Mike Stout, Mike Carlucci, Rony Jones, Justin Ediger
61 - Rob's Ranch (Jason Baldwin, Doug Hayes, Tyler Redburn, Ned Baldwin)
61 - Path To Miracles (Jeremy Gray, Nick Baker, Dusty Davis, Timmy Cummings)

Click Path to Miracles Photo Album to see all pictures of the Tournament

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