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Monday, May 30, 2011


Ron Smith... "It was
tough outside"
That the wind blew was no surprise to anyone, but gusts up to 50mph and sustained 30mph+ made it made it for very difficult conditions to play in for the short field of 26, not to mention the different format: 18 mulligans instead of unlimited, you had to use one per hole instead of having a choice on using one or more; and you had to use the mulligan ball (could not go back to the original ball).
Not a "Ian Poulter" look, Mike
Proctor here hitting into a
40mph+ gust of wind.

This format, born out of a misunderstanding, was actually kind of unique and fair for all as a field, plus, once you got past the negative thoughts that it might punish a good shot (i.e.: if you hadn't used a mulligan and you made a 30 footer, you had to make it again to count), you realize that it favored the golfer who took his chances with mulligans before reaching the green. Bottom line, you can't start a round thinking that you are going to get punished every time you hit a decent shot, otherwise, you start at a psychological disadvantage.

Jeff Donaghey, won flight
evern after a self imposed
penalty on #18.
On the other hand, with 18 mulligans, chances are that you would use more to your advantage than not. Case in point, winner Ronnie Smith shot a 66, even after wasting 2-3 shots in putting. regardless, it was a great score considering the difficult windy conditions. The results were as follows:

First Flight, 1st (66) Ronnie Smith, 2nd (70) Mark Fairchild, 3rd (71-68) Jeremy Gray and 4th (74-70) Craig Martin. Martin beat 2 other 74's in a scorecard playoff starting on #7 and going back and scoring a 3 on #6, which, he made with a mulligan from 40 feet!

Second Flight: 1st (77) Jeff Donaghey, 2nd (80) Rod Little, 3rd (83-75) Mike Proctor and 4th (83-76) Joe Wynn.

Note: prizes went to the the top two gross scores (no handicap) followed by two net scores (50% of the player's handicap), however, as it turned out, it did not alter the top four places in gross. Ties in net were broken by lowest score combination (gross-net) and if tie persisted, by scorecard playoff.

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