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Sunday, May 29, 2011


"Gimme High Five!"
"Sure will!! Great Putt! (Bridie on #4)
The Hammon, OK Alumni Scramble, gathered over 40 golfers of all ages (14-74) and skills. What looked like a 4-5 team tournament, thanks to the insistence and hard work of Nick Baker, turned out to be an 11 team event, and we couldn't be any happier for his efforts or for the players.

"Host Team": Nick Baker surrounded
by Jeremy & Tony Robins and Kelly Travis.
Unlike other events that are played mainly by our membership or local golfers, in this event, as small as it was, I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting most of the field, all of whom seemed to be there not just for a little competition, but also to be part of something special.

Old alumni to meet new or future alumni, and current students to meet and mingle and learn from the older ones. Family and friends together. As for the weather, the day could not have been better for golf; it started a little cloudy and cool for this time of the year and ended up warm, with a little breeze that helped keep the bugs away as well as helping keeping the body temperature from boiling.

In the end, it couldn't have been more competitive, there were two scores of 60, two scores of 61 and two of 62, which shows that a putt here or there could have truly changed the outcome. Here are the results:

Mark Morris..."Ummm,
stay in the fairway!"
(won Long Drive Contest)
1st (60 - won sudden dead playoff on #1): Curtis Irwin, Derek Orange, Larry Landers, Trey Landers; 2nd (60) - Matt Creach, Adam Lewellen, Ben Chamberlain, Andy Creach; 3rd (61) - Nick Baker, Jeremy Robins, Tonny Robins, Kelly Travis; 4th (61) - Michael Payne, Harry Payne & Kenneth Payne (Note: The Payne family were short one player this year and have won 6 of the last 8 -including this one- Hammon Alumni Tournaments, sounds like there are some golfers in this family!!!)


See you next year folks!

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