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Friday, May 6, 2011


"HUSOF" is better than a mulligan, or worse, depending of how you look at it.

Winning Team (Brian, Teresa,
Jeanette & Gary) posing by the
For instance, a "mulligan" can often save you a shot or two or, it can get worse. If you read the post of last week's couples (click here) the referenced story, had Ramona been playing an individual tournament, she would have wasted her mulligan, while Ricki Marr, would have done very good. One extra shot, end of story. You go to the club, have a beer and laugh it off, but....

Last Thursday, the term "HUSOF" was introduced during the Couples Night Tournament (and will probably not be used again until next year right around or on Mother's Day).  "HUSOF" stands for "HIT UNTIL SATISFIED OR FRUSTRATED".
"Now, that's the way a good
shot feels"

This is the way it works: you hit a shot that you don't like, and say you have 27 golf balls in your bag. You are allowed to repeat the shot, up to 27 times, until you satisfy yourself by pulling out the shot, or frustrate yourself (and get tired as well) by finding out, 27 times, that you just can't make that shot! In other words, a HUSOF can pretty much show you that you are  pretty stubborn when it comes to admitting you are just not equipped to pull of certain shots.

That was the case in one team, Jeannette Scott tried the same 45 footer somewhere around 25 times and could not make it, but her partner used her "HUSOF" to get them on the green, otherwise, the team would have had a 6, instead of a 4. Jeannatte was trying to "seal the deal" with a 3, "Ricki Marr style". They won anyway. The team was formed by Gary & Teresa Scott, Brian Finley & Teresa Nugent, they shot 29 to beat the team of Leon Stuart, wife Lana and Tyler & Tori Windsor.

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