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Saturday, May 7, 2011


This is a tournament where no one really cares who wins.... sort of.

"Yes, we had fun... but don't think that
you can use this as our mothers' day
present!!" (Lana Hudgens, Betty Maine,
Lana Stuart, Kathy Robinson & Jan Harris) 
It is a big party, there is plenty of food and beer, and delicious "Margaritas". Lots of players (170), lots of volunteers (it seemed like 50), plenty of cooks and bar tenders, lots of prizes for winners and losers, and a prize in every hole for long drive or straight drive, closest to the ping, longest putt, and prizes for women and for men and for the field. The only prize they don't have is for shortest drive, and Brad O'Hara would have won that one.
Jason Gunter, Jimmy Monroe, Jeff Waters,
Justin Haun, Larry Haun, Tony Mikles,
Robert O'Hara, Brad O'Hara & in front
Kermit Kingsford.

Terry Schones: "wait and see,
I only like to play 7 holes"
While I was patrolling, on hole #6 Jeff Waters asked me to hit for him (he didn't know what he was asking) and I did. With roll and everything I got maybe a whole 220, not before challenging Brad to a long drive contest that I knew I would lose, however, surprisingly, Brad was so nervous about playing a shot against a 60 year old man, that when he teed up the ball, he touched it and it fell off the tee. Normally, that is not a penalty because there is no stroke involved, however, I could have sworn that it was the shortest drive I had ever seen, so I took "the win".

Oh yes, he hit his "mulligan" only about 320, so it is possible that he could have actually won both... in the same hole! (Hey Brad, It's ok, it is the only way I could beat you in long drive contest!)

For more pictures, click here

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