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Saturday, November 11, 2017


It is the 98th Anniversary of Veteran's Day (originally "Armistice Day"), and I can't think of anything but saying a "Big Thank You" to all who serve or who have served.

I know this holiday is dedicated to military service people, but, I can't help to think of every person who wears a uniform and serves to protect, military or not. I guess that the saying "TO SERVE AND PROTECT" is a perfect description of the gratitude we feel for everyone in any kind of service uniform.

Last week, without realizing that today would be a holiday, I had planned to play this Saturday (weather forecast was good), but, as it turned out, I stayed in the office, just happy I didn't have to face a three footer for par  under the cold drizzle. At this writing (started at about 3:00 p.m.), we've had exactly 5 players (some would call them "die-hards") all day.

On the other hand, just think of this: wouldn't you think that all these veterans or civilian service people, would rather face a tough 6 footer with a foot of break for $100 than a Taliban or a violent criminal with a gun pointing at them? That six footer is nothing now... compared, there is no pressure and it'll go in. In fact, if you ever play a "Low Ball" $10 Nassau, choose the partner that you know won't get scared and won't give up... a veteran is a good choice if available and you'll be way ahead!

So, again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and hopefully, you get to face more of these "scary" 6 footers more often than the alternative of your chosen service!

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