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Monday, May 16, 2011


Larry Hudgens says it was Allen
Robinson's putt that put them
"over the top".

Before going into the results, I want to say "thank you", once more, to all those who participated in the tournament on Sunday. Eighty four players in total, including several members of the Board (which without them this tournament would have never happened to begin with), which made this event even more special, something I was able to share with my daughter Paola Marie from Oklahoma City and of course, with Ramona.

Cary Cumiford & terry Dickey
(after they were told" act as if
you were winning!"
It turned out to be a great day for golf with nice warm weather and a little breeze, which was made evident when several teams signed up about an hour before the tournament, causing a little panic in the redoing of the pairings!! (we dodged the bullet!) and everyone seemed to have enjoyed themesleves, even if things did not go as well in the course.
As most of you know by now, the format was to play 6 holes in "best ball", six holes in "alternate shots" and the last third of the course was played in a 2-Person "scramble". The field was divided in three flights, where the top three scores were recognized along with the top "net" score (with team handicap) as follows:

RIG OWNERS: 1st (67) Rocky Andresen & David Dyson; 2nd (68) Brad O'Hara & Jordan Williamson; 3rd (69) Ann Cowan & Mike Cowan. Low Net (65) Charlie Kauk & Aaron Kauk.

LAND OWNERS: 1st (72) Grady Lantz & Gaylan Edwards; 2nd (73) Daryl Kelly & Jay Windle; 3rd (75) Calvin Bonner & Jeff Smoot (beat two other teams in a scorecard playoff). Low Net (69) Larry Hudgens & Allen Robinson.

STOCK HOLDERS: 1st (72) Mike Clinton & Jeff Paszkowski, 2nd (75) Gary Scott & Mitch Kendall; 3rd (77) Shawn Wilson & Allan Bradley. Low Net (67) Tim & DeeAnn Easley.

Click here for picture of the winners and here for pictures of the whole field...

NOTE: It was our intention to give everyone a picture of their team during the dinner afterwards (thank you Ann Cowan, Vera Gilbert and Country Club Staff!!!), but our "One Hour" order was not to be because Walgreens had their machine down. Since, I ordered the pictures elsewhere and will be available at the pro shop as well.

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